Sunday, January 18, 2009

Technically adorable...

It's Sunday morning and I'm sitting in the back of the middle school youth group room at church watching an incredible show put on my Isaac and his band. He's been leading worship at middle school youth group (as well as high school, and main service, but middle school is consistently every week) for the past few years and it's about that time in the year where he's got to start raising up some of the younger ones to be on the team as the older ones will be in high school shortly. So last week he had worship 'tryouts' just to see which of the kiddos had any musical interests or talents, and much to our surprise, there was quite the turnout of aspiring musicians. This morning's worship is the first week that some of them are incorporated and it is very fun to watch. I would use the word 'adorable' to describe it, but in all fairness, these are teenagers, or at least almost teenagers, so they probably wouldn't appreciate that description. There's Jess on the bass, standing a little above four feet tall, looking very cool with his sweatshirt hood pulled up. I think his guitar is about as long as he is tall, but he's rocking away. Gina's doing a great job singing with a musical voice I never would have thought she had. Riley, who comes up to about Isaac's elbow, is singing as well and is oh, so enthusiastic. Gabe's on the keys, Ian's on the drums, Nate's on the electric - these three have been at it for a while, so they're holding the team together. And there's Isaac, in the middle of all of them with his guitar, leader of the band. It really is adorable, even though I know I'm being girly. It's pretty awesome to get to watch Isaac love and invest in these students through this worship team. These kids love him and look up to him so much, and they love that he gives them the opportunity to practice their instruments on stage, even if they're not always perfect at it yet. It makes me so proud of Isaac to get to see his impact on these kids' lives.

Ha! Now they're having a dance-off as their game! Guy against girl. Hilarious! I love middle school.


Jason & Tina said...

I've started reading your is actually relevant now that I don't see you more than my husband.
Miss you...lets catch up soon...Tina