Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Yesterday I got my first canker sore...ever. I say this not to gross you out but only to help set the backdrop for my stressful Tuesday.

Scene one: work. My beloved partner in the office, Tina, got another job last Friday and is leaving by the end of this week. Together we administrate the entire church, as well as individually administrate for six pastors on staff. It's a big job, and one I cannot do alone, yet I will be doing it alone for at least the next month while they decide about who to hire to replace her, or if they're even going to hire a replacement. Needless to say, things have been pretty crazy around here, my workload has doubled, and I am going non-stop from 8-4 every day.

Scene two: school. So, I am loving what I'm learning in school, but I have to say, it's taking an awful lot of time to be a student. I get home at 5:30, eat dinner, and basically study for the next four hours every day of the week (except for Saturdays, my Sabbath, and my saving grace). That being said, it takes some good planning ahead for me to be able to participate in a social event on any given evening as that would cut away my necessary homework time. It doesn't happen often, mostly I just don't hang out with anyone except for Isaac during the week, but our couples' dinners have been going on for a year and a half so they are my one social event that takes priority. Plus, yesterday's was at our house, so there's not much of an option for me except to host and do homework later. I knew this couples' dinner was coming a week ahead of time, so I worked really hard this weekend and Monday night to get ahead in my studies. I got all my Nutrition reading done that I would have had to do on Tuesday, and I did the two hour math assignment that would have been assigned as well...which actually turned into more like a three hour math assignment since I did it before we got the lecture on it. So, I was feeling pretty good as I drove to the college yesterday, trying to recover from the stress of the work day. Then, much to my dismay, my professor was still sick from this weekend and instead of cancelling class again, she found a sub which is the worst thing that can happen in a math class. He did his best, bless his heart, but no one understood anything he was trying to explain. Then he topped it off with giving us a completely different homework assignment then what had originally been assigned! I felt like crying. A total waste of a class, then a two hour homework assignment based off a lecture that made absolutely no sense to me, and all this after I had worked ahead so I would have the evening free for couples' dinner. Sigh.

Isaac says canker sores come from stress. And no wonder. I was able to make it to bed by 11:30 last night, which is late for me, but not the end of the world. And we did have a really relaxing time with our friends during dinner. So the day was not a complete loss. However, this morning I awoke with a new goal in more stress. I'm going to take one day at a time, every minute at a time. Slowly, enjoying where I'm at, not stressing if I have a lot left to do, just taking it one step at a time.

Hold me to it, friends.