Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My rest...

Near the start of this blog, I wrote about how it was time for me to rest. I had just been busy for the past ten years of my life...not necessarily in a bad way, I loved those years. I thrived from being very involved with school, family, youth group and church, volunteering with students at camps or at my church, expanding my social life. But it just seemed to all catch up with me about six months ago. And after a few more months of feeling completely overwhelmed with my pace of life, I stopped anything outside of work to rest. I stopped volunteering with the youth group, stopped leading my small group, stopped playing piano on the worship team, stopped babysitting, stopped anything that gave me the semblance of a busy life. It's been about four months now and I am beginning to feel my strength return. It's been four months, wonderful months, of relaxing, reading tons of books (yes, I am a nerd, I know), having plenty of time to exercise, bake bread (although not as often as I want since I can't eat it anymore. Boo.), relish the beauty of the world God created, just enjoy being. And enjoy simply being loved by God because I exist. It's just been wonderful.

I know that this time won't be forever in my life, although I do desire to implement this way of life much more into the rest of my years than ever before. I don't want to be too busy to have coffee with a friend, go on a walk, enjoy a sunset, take a catnap in the sun. I want to go through life one day at a time, breathing in life slowly and fully each day. It won't look like the amount of doing nothing that it does now, as even now I am beginning to desire to fill my life with a little more. Not much, but I'm desiring to join a small group, which will be the first time in three years that I have been in a small group that I wasn't leading. I can tell that I am gaining strength from my resting because I wouldn't have been willing to commit to even one night a week for a Bible study (or anything else for that matter) a month ago.

I just wanted to share that this time of rest is really blessing me. I know I will begin get a little restless in a while, but for now I will embrace this resting with my whole heart.