Thursday, April 10, 2008


You know what I like about life right now? That it is restful, peaceful, relaxing. I feel like I've been raving about this newly found rest lately, but I just can't get over how incredible it is. And I'm just scratching the surface, just barely beginning to experience, this kind of life. I get off work every day and come home to an afternoon and evening completely open and ready to be enjoyed. I take the first hour or so to go for a jog or do some yoga or sometimes just lay in the sunshine streaming through my living room window and read or nap. Isaac usually comes over around then and we spend a good chunk of time making dinner and enjoying it. Then we can sit together and I can read while he draws or plays guitar, we can go on a walk, we can go have tea with Justin and Alex, or watch a movie with Morgan and Tommy. This week was particularly fun because every other Tuesday we have a couple's night with Justin and Alex, Morgan and Tommy, and Isaac and me. We rotate houses and make dinner for each other and then just get to spend a few hours relaxing and hanging out together. It makes for a great evening every time. Yesterday was an added bonus of fun with friends because our friends from college, Justin and Suzanne, were up visiting for the day, so I got to have dinner with them while Isaac was with his small group boys and then Isaac came over later and we all got to hang out with them and some of our other friends.

But I digress.
I guess I'm trying to convey that this time in my life, this time of purposeful rest and a purposefully free schedule, is absolutely wonderful. I feel like I have all the time in the world to enjoy the company of the people in my life, to enjoy the simple pleasures of lying in the sun or sitting on the back porch with Isaac and just soaking up our surroundings. And I love it. I feel like I am tasting a small piece (a very small piece, mind you) of what it would have been like in the Garden before the fall of man. And maybe a small piece of what it will be like when this old world passes away and we get to spend eternity just soaking up life in God's presence.