Friday, July 25, 2008

Two months and counting...

Yay! Only eight weeks until my handsome man and I get to be married!! My roomie Janelle and her husband James just got back from their honeymoon a couple days ago and we got to sit and talk with them about how wonderful it was last night. It made me even more excited to be married...they were seriously glowing and couldn't stop smiling. My other roommate is engaged as well and is getting married at the end of August so there is a definite appreciation and love for wedding/marriage/honeymoon talk in my house. And love is in the air! We've been to two weddings so far and have four more to attend (one of them being ours!). And there are a couple more that are happening that we're not able to attend. And guess what? We're getting married on the same day as my roomie from last year, Sarah! So we're going to have the same anniversary, which is so fun! Okay, I'll stop talking about wedding stuff for now...

Last night Isaac fixed even more of his bike and we got to go riding again. He's been riding to and from work from his new house, which is about a 45 minute ride each way. It's been great! We're going to be a little biking family!

We've been eating our peas like crazy, by the way! They're so good! And the cucumbers are flowering, which means we'll get cucumbers soon. It's a little late in the year, I think, but we had several weeks of no sunshine, so that slowed their growth process a little bit. And we used our chives in dinner last night. So good! It's really encouraging that our garden turned out so well this year, it being my first time and all. Isaac keeps reminding me that not every year will be like this, but it's so cool to get a good turn out the first year so I'm even more encouraged to keep it up in subsequent years. It'd be so awesome if our new apartment (wherever it is out there) had a place to garden and we could do it again next year. If not though, I can be patient.

Here's one of my favorite, and very encouraging, verses as of late. Hope it can speak to you as well..

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him
and he will make your paths straight."

Love it. I am so thankful for the presence of the Lord in my life. I honestly don't know how people are able to deal with life without his peace and comfort sometimes. I think I would go crazy if I had to walk through this life on my own strength.