Saturday, February 6, 2010

On late nights and sunshine...

It's fun to see Justin and Alex's house becoming more and more their house. I mean, it's already technically theirs and all, but every week more changes happen that give it a more J and A personality. This past week or so has been the painting of the living room and dining room. Well, I suppose even more so this last week has been the complete rewiring of all things electric in their house, but on the asthetic side of things, it's been the downstairs paint jobs. And I got to help this morning! My job was the living room trim, which is seriously one of the only ways I've seen my perfectionism be put to good use. Like for instance last night when I was baking the pie for our little dinner party, I was ridiculously and very unnecessarily frustrated because the edges of the pie crust did not look perfect. We're talking starting to hyperventilate, about to throw the entire pie into the garbage frustration. Over a stupid edge of a pie crust. That's usually the type of benefits I reap from my perfectionism, so it was nice to create something positive with my forces instead. And it was a double bonus getting to hang with J and A (and Stephanie, who's living there for a little bit) while we worked.

So last night we had dinner with a band, aren't we so cool? They're called Transcarlet and are resident Bellingham-ites as well, so we were happy to entertain them. Okay, so they might have been our friends before they were ever a band, and it might have been way more of a just friends get together (especially since J and A were there, too), but it still sounds cool to say we were hobnobbing with a rich and famous band, right? And we met our new friend, TJ, too! Isaac put together some killer enchiladas, I crafted the aforementioned pie (which Isaac saved from being cast into the shadowy depths of the trash can, and which was actually really good, if I do say so myself) for dessert, and we got to spend a few hours talking the night away. I'm actually laughing as I'm writing this, though, because I say talking the night away like we were up to the wee hours of the morning chatting...but in actuality, we lasted until about 9:15pm and then everyone went their separate ways. Which is normal for us, but our guests were mentioning how a normal night for them lasts until about 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning, which I'm pretty sure I haven't seen since my college days (except when we're with Ian and Savannah, of course :).

Um, post script here...yesterday afternoon when I came home from work, Isaac and I just sat on the porch and relaxed in the sunshine and 55 degree warmth!! In case you missed that, we and
Anyway, all that to say we had a good time with those guys last night.relaxed in the afternoon sunshine on the porch! And it's the middle of February here! All the flowers are coming up, trees are blooming, and I haven't warn a scarf for at least a month. Happy early spring to me.