Friday, June 5, 2009

And there were radishes...

Well, regardless of the fact that we haven't written a word about our garden for several weeks, it is indeed coming along nicely! The 75 degree weather and constant sunshine we've had for the past two weeks has really made it come alive, and we've determined that we indeed have not failed at gardening. For a while there, we weren't sure at all about it because there was a later frost and some of the seeds just weren't coming up. But we kept at it, replanting with different methods, soaking the seeds previously so their little tails sprouted, mashing bags of compost into the clay soil until finally, success! We have peas, strawberries, onions, potatoes, garlic, radishes, tomatoes, and rosemary all healthy and loving being alive. The cucumbers and lettuce were the two seeds that were really struggling, so we've started the lettuce in a bucket at our house so we can acclimate it to good soil and sunshine before we transplant it into the not-so-good soil at our garden plot. As for the cucumbers, the third round of them were planted about a week ago after two failed attempts, and these are coming up! They're just little babies, so we're ruthlessly murdering any slug we see so they don't eat them all up before they can grow to greater maturity, but we do have great hopes for the little guys! And you can finally see our revamped green houses, too. Not sure if I mentioned it, but apparently our larger greenhouse was blocking our dear neighbor's raspberries from getting full sun, so Isaac kindly accommodated her. Now there are two cute little ones instead of one big one, and due to the sunny weather, they may come down altogether here pretty soon. Here's a picture of the whole community garden, so you can get a feel for where we are. The two plastic greenhouses in the middle are ours and if you click on it to make it larger, you can see Isaac off to the left of the greenhouses watering the other end of our plot.
After our nightly watering yesterday, we harvested our first bunch of radishes, ate a couple when we got home, and plan to use the rest in a salad tonight at dinner. Ahh, the sweet hippie life...gardening barefoot in the mud, getting dirt under your fingernails, and harvesting fresh vegetables that can be stored in your fridge in leafy green bunches instead of the plastic wrap type you get from the store. I will take that life anyday.

In other news, I am three days away from being done with Ch
em 121! My final is Monday morning, but I'm not too worried as I have studied myself crazy all quarter. Okay, well maybe not crazy, but I've definitely put my time in, that's for sure. I'm taking Chem 122 this summer, but lucky for me it's being offered in an intensive four week period during August, so I have about six weeks of relaxing until then. I'll probably pay for all that relaxation and then some during those four weeks, as I'm sure the stress of shoving nine weeks of material into four is going to be rather high, but looking from this end of things, I'll take the six weeks. Alright, summer I come!