Friday, May 15, 2009

In the words of Alex...

We're headed out this afternoon, over the mountains to the east side cars stuffed full with frisbees, sleeping bags, $300 worth of food, Justin and Alex, and seven high schoolers. Isaac and Justin and their small group are heading up the junior/senior retreat for this year and Alex and I get to go along as the female staff. It's great because it's a small group and we're all really good friends...and we've got no plans. There's a cabin, a lake, plenty of wilderness and wildlife, and lots of sunshine waiting for us and we plan to take full advantage of it. Hiking, swimming, ultimate frisbee, rock climbing, and smores over the fire. Mmmmm, yes please. This is the first youth event I've been on in over a year, so that will be refreshing for me to be able to hang out with my girlies again...and two thirds of the boys' small group(meaning our beloved Ryan and Chris) are graduating this year, so it's kind of a last harrah with them, as well. Unfortunately, it does mean no Sounders game for us this weekend, but we're doing our best to cope with that.

In other news, my third Chem test is today. Like always, I feel like I know the material inside and out, unfortunately, I've felt like that for the past two tests and was unpleasantly surprised to discover my work is apparently only worth a B average. Let's see if this week proves any better. There is a ferocious curve however that's applied at the end of the quarter, and with the D average most of the rest of the class is holding on to, by the end of this I might just come out with a ridiculously high A. Ha! Take that Chem tests!

Well, in the words of Alex, Ciao.