Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our locals...

We went for a walk last night, about 9:30 or 10pm, just a stroll in the evening because we weren't quite ready to go to bed yet. As we got closer into downtown, we started hearing strains of live music coming from the outdoors somewhere. It was beautiful, like a huge orchestra, stringed instruments everywhere coupled with some drums. We wandered around a few more blocks, thinking it might be down by the water, and surprisingly walked right past the open door of a tiny little art studio which was most definitely the home of the music. Expecting to see a band, we peeked around the corner to find two guys - one on a drum set and the other holding only a guitar that was apparently making all those orchestra sounds. They invited us in and we joined two other women in the small room as they explained that this was the tail end of an art gallery showing from that evening, and would we care to look around? The lights were dimmed as the guys went back to jamming, completely improvising in the way laid back musicians do, and Isaac and I wandered around the tiny gallery observing the guy's art. When the song finished, the artist (a guy named Dana) came over and struck up a conversation with us and we sat down and chatted for the next few minutes, in the course of which Dana found out Isaac played guitar. As soon as that came out, Dana gestured to his set up of pedals and wires and invited Isaac to go jam. This is what I love. We've never met this guy before tonight, and yet five minutes after stumbling onto his little gallery, we've heard all about what brought him up here, he's heard about our lives and talents, and he's offered Isaac full access to several hundred (if not thousands) of dollars of his equipment. It's like we were his best friends...and not like he was faking it so we'd buy some of his art. He was genuine. So there Isaac goes, up to the 'stage' area, straps on the guitar and starts fiddling with the pedals, volume, making music up as he goes along. And then another guy there jumps on the drums and all of a sudden they're jamming together. The other two girls and I sit ourselves onto the floor to enjoy the show while Dana grabs his camera to document the event. After taking a few pictures, Dana then grabbed his trumpet from behind the drums and started adding his own music to the jam. It was so awesome. So laid back. So friendly and warm. And what's great is that this picture would not be an uncommon one for the 'ham. Our locals are great, truly kind. It's just another day in Bellingham.