This is definitely my new favorite of Hannah's creations! A farm with little animals!
Check out her other ones at
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The cutest farm ever...
Posted by Bec at 8:34 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Our locals...
We went for a walk last night, about 9:30 or 10pm, just a stroll in the evening because we weren't quite ready to go to bed yet. As we got closer into downtown, we started hearing strains of live music coming from the outdoors somewhere. It was beautiful, like a huge orchestra, stringed instruments everywhere coupled with some drums. We wandered around a few more blocks, thinking it might be down by the water, and surprisingly walked right past the open door of a tiny little art studio which was most definitely the home of the music. Expecting to see a band, we peeked around the corner to find two guys - one on a drum set and the other holding only a guitar that was apparently making all those orchestra sounds. They invited us in and we joined two other women in the small room as they explained that this was the tail end of an art gallery showing from that evening, and would we care to look around? The lights were dimmed as the guys went back to jamming, completely improvising in the way laid back musicians do, and Isaac and I wandered around the tiny gallery observing the guy's art. When the song finished, the artist (a guy named Dana) came over and struck up a conversation with us and we sat down and chatted for the next few minutes, in the course of which Dana found out Isaac played guitar. As soon as that came out, Dana gestured to his set up of pedals and wires and invited Isaac to go jam. This is what I love. We've never met this guy before tonight, and yet five minutes after stumbling onto his little gallery, we've heard all about what brought him up here, he's heard about our lives and talents, and he's offered Isaac full access to several hundred (if not thousands) of dollars of his equipment. It's like we were his best friends...and not like he was faking it so we'd buy some of his art. He was genuine. So there Isaac goes, up to the 'stage' area, straps on the guitar and starts fiddling with the pedals, volume, making music up as he goes along. And then another guy there jumps on the drums and all of a sudden they're jamming together. The other two girls and I sit ourselves onto the floor to enjoy the show while Dana grabs his camera to document the event. After taking a few pictures, Dana then grabbed his trumpet from behind the drums and started adding his own music to the jam. It was so awesome. So laid back. So friendly and warm. And what's great is that this picture would not be an uncommon one for the 'ham. Our locals are great, truly kind. It's just another day in Bellingham.
Posted by Bec at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
I thought I loved you then...
I could listen to Brad Paisley every day for the rest of my the guy. And I am thrilled to find that he has just outdone himself with his latest single, Then. I mean, I didn't think it could get better than Little Moments, but I am here to tell you that it just did. I may or may not have been listening to this song on repeat for the last two hours while I've been waiting for my love to come pick me up from work.
Now, if only dear Brad would ever make it up to Washington...
Posted by Bec at 4:14 PM 0 comments
In the words of Alex...
We're headed out this afternoon, over the mountains to the east side cars stuffed full with frisbees, sleeping bags, $300 worth of food, Justin and Alex, and seven high schoolers. Isaac and Justin and their small group are heading up the junior/senior retreat for this year and Alex and I get to go along as the female staff. It's great because it's a small group and we're all really good friends...and we've got no plans. There's a cabin, a lake, plenty of wilderness and wildlife, and lots of sunshine waiting for us and we plan to take full advantage of it. Hiking, swimming, ultimate frisbee, rock climbing, and smores over the fire. Mmmmm, yes please. This is the first youth event I've been on in over a year, so that will be refreshing for me to be able to hang out with my girlies again...and two thirds of the boys' small group(meaning our beloved Ryan and Chris) are graduating this year, so it's kind of a last harrah with them, as well. Unfortunately, it does mean no Sounders game for us this weekend, but we're doing our best to cope with that.
In other news, my third Chem test is today. Like always, I feel like I know the material inside and out, unfortunately, I've felt like that for the past two tests and was unpleasantly surprised to discover my work is apparently only worth a B average. Let's see if this week proves any better. There is a ferocious curve however that's applied at the end of the quarter, and with the D average most of the rest of the class is holding on to, by the end of this I might just come out with a ridiculously high A. Ha! Take that Chem tests!
Well, in the words of Alex, Ciao.
Posted by Bec at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Yes, please...
Every Saturday afternoon from about 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock, we are soccer players. Isaac's really good. I also am really good, just at different aspects of the game. While Isaac can perfectly control the ball from half way down the field all the way to the goal, I can perfectly laugh, shriek, cheer, and keep team morale high. A bunch of us started getting together to play for fun
a couple months ago, and it's just been drawing more and more people in each week. It's awesome because there are people of every skill level (which is obvious since they let me play) and usually there are a handful of girls in the mix as well, so that helps to keep the competition amongst the men reined in a litt
le bit. It's just some good, quality fun that we look forward to each week. The only bummer is when it's an amazingly sunshiney day, and only five of us show up to play, as was the case today. And not only was it just the five of us, it was me and four really good players of the male persuasion. Well, I know my limits. No way was
I going to play some scramble of two on three with skill levels as high as they were. My solution? Suntan on the grass for two hours while the boys kicked it amongst themselves, eventually settling on some soccer tennis. Mmmm, spring days in the 'ham. Yes, please. By the way, last week, Mark went to kick a ball exactly like he is kicking this one, only I got to it a split second before he did (which I almost never do purposefully because I prefer my leg bones to stay intact), resulting in a rather large and tender ankle bruise. He does get bonus points, though, for looking ferocious.
Posted by Bec at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
Feeling alive...
This is what I love.
7:30am, dressed in capris and a tank top, pedaling away from our beautiful house with trees blossoming all over the lawn, headed the four miles into work. The sky is a soft, light blue with the wispiest white clouds spotting the expanse here and there. The sun is peeking up over the buildings, shining that perfect hue of goldenness. The street is dark grey and the buildings of downtown are brick and classy, little hippie shops strewn left and right meshing with the tall, old corner office buildings. Trees are everywhere, blossoms exploding like the ones at our house. Then onto State Street. Warmer and pedaling hard to make the lights in order so I don't have to stop. The bay is on my right the whole way in and on days like today, it's exquisite. The darker blue of the water against the bright blue of the sky, shining where the sun hits it, purple mountains backing it. I see this through the strip of thick green, leafy trees, and green grass two feet high because this is, after all, the northwest. The wind is cold on my skin, but I have warmed up inside, so it's the perfect blend. The breaths I inhale are crisp and clean, the way air is supposed to be. I can feel my heart running laps in my chest, the blood flowing through my body even though it's still early morning. I feel so alive.
Of course, not every day is like this. Take yesterday, for instance, when I arrived at work dripping like a drowned rat that had just ridden through a car wash. But even those days I'm learning to love as well, because they make me feel alive, too. Like I'm out in nature, experiencing nature, soaking it up...the way maybe it was intended to be experienced.
It just feels good. I feel good. And I like that I get to start my mornings out this way.
Posted by Bec at 8:22 AM 0 comments