Monday, April 6, 2009

Chemistry, as I've decided...

Chemistry, I've decided, is not as hard as I've always dreaded. Which is nice, because if you've heard me loathe sciences at any point during the past twelve years, you know that I've seriously dreaded anything that involves a lab. However, I'm convinced that this time around my 'nerd adult-student' card should get me through quite nicely. I swear I study more now than I ever did back in college when I was taking a full load. Oh, the irony.

So, last week we planted our garden! Peas, carrots, broccoli, lettuce, swiss chard, two kinds of onions, potatoes, strawberries, radishes and garlic. Tomatoes and cucumbers will come in a few more weeks when the weather's gotten a little warmer. It's great to be done with the bulk of the manual labor with the garden and just get to sit back and wait for things to spring up. I'm still amazed that so much food comes out of one tiny, little seed. And whole trees come from those tiny little seeds! Speaking of amazingness, we learned in Chemistry today that if you set all the atoms present in one gram of Chlorine side by side, they would stretch all the way to a star outside of our solar system and back. Holy cow! My mind can't even comprehend that...and that's just in one gram of Chlorine! Prepare for this, my friends, I shall be spouting fascinating facts from my newly learned mind from here on out in these posts, I'm sure. Be forewarned.

Anyway, I think I have pictures of the planting of the garden, but really, it looks no different than the last ones we put up since they're all underground, so I'll post more when it looks interesting.

Happy sun!