Thursday, October 1, 2009

Baby cakes...

Ummm, so I have to show you how the cake turned out last night. I should start with a little history first, though. I am a baker at heart. I love, love, love to bake. I love to bake like Isaac loves to cook, and that's saying something. I am also incredibly impulsive when it comes to life in general. I believe I've blogged about this before, but when I decide to cut or dye my hair, it has to be done that day if at all possible because I just can't wait another day for what I want. When I decided to pierce my nose, I made the appointment for right after work that day. So it should come as no surprise to you that when I get the urging to bake a cake, I've got to do it as soon as I get home from work. And this would be all fine and good if only Isaac was a cake-eater. Or, more specifically, a frosting eater, which he is most definitely not. So what happens is I bake this incredible cake, eat one piece, and then the rest gets wasted because Isaac doesn't want to eat the frosting I put on it (because, seriously, what's a cake without frosting?) and I don't want to eat any more sugar than the one piece I already had. So my dear husband made a little rule for my impulsive baking about a month ago limiting me to baking only tiny baby cakes if I'm going to make one. Then nothing gets wasted. We headed off to Goodwill and found the cutest little three inch springform cake pans and my baby cake baking days began.

Fastforward to last night's peanut butter chocolate cake that I was pining for. Here are the little guys right out of the oven, and then here's the final speciman. Pretty adorable, huh? The peanut butter chocolate ganache is a little thick, but it still tasted incredible. The funny thing is we brought the cake over to J and A's, all four of us (yes, even Isaac) had a piece, and there was still half the cake left. It was so rich, that's all we could handle in one setting. I can't imagine how much would have gone to waste if I had baked the entire recipe worth! Oh, and I made this perfect cake gluten free and no one would have even guessed.

So if you're looking for the perfect cake to bring to your next dinner party or birthday or something, this might just have been the best cake I've ever partaken in. Just saying...


Morgan said...

Incredibly cute. Nice work, your ganache even looks like it does on Smitten. I miss baking!