Thursday, August 27, 2009


Tomorrow is Reclamation of Youth Day. RYD. It's a local holiday up here where the men of the town (or at last all of our friends who are of the male persuasion anyway) kick adulthood in the face and spend the entire day reclaiming the splendor of their youth. Isaac will be there. And Justin. And Tommy. And Jared, Mark, Jacson, Caleb, Zach, Ty...but no girls. Because when you're pretending you're six again, everyone knows you're lying if you said you actually enjoyed the company of girls.

Here's a sneak peak from a couple years ago. Do enjoy.


6:00am - Ride bikes from _______ (house TBD) up to Arboretum for Poetry, Monologue, Sunrise.
7:15am - Breakfast at Ranch Room. Flying 'V' w/ Roman Candles on Holly St.
9:00am - Ride to Westside Beaches for Tree Fort, Pipe Throw, Bomb Shelter Challenge, Dam Building.
10:45am - Arrive at Broadway Park for Wiffle Ball (8 teams of 4 - tournament) and Ultimate Frisbee.
12:45pm - Drop bikes off at _______ (house TBD) and get into cars.
1:00pm - Boulevard Park for Amazing Catches, Bike Jumps.
2:30pm - 7-11 for Slurpees, Snacks.
2:45pm - Whatcom Falls Park for all sorts of Buffoonery.
4:15pm - Tommy's House for Biggun, Kayak Stands, Flyer's Up.
6:00pm - All-Access BBQ. Kites, Calvin & Hobbes, Volleyball, Buck-Buck.
8:15pm - Dairy Queen for Dilly Bars
8:45pm - Dodgeball Tournament at Northwest Baptist Church
11:45pm - Charge Up Hill of Youthful Tranquility
12:00am - Plant Flag, Drink from Chalice, Declaration of Youth. Huzzahs all around!

I'll bet right about now you're wishing you were a boy (ahem...
man) in the 'ham, aren't you?