Monday, September 8, 2008

Pray for the battle...

I know I said I wouldn't be writing, but after working for six hours straight this morning with four still left to go, I decided that I am more than qualified to give myself a break for a few minutes. So here's my break.

For those of you reading who are pray-ers, Isaac and I could really use your prayers in these next few days. I say 'Isaac and I' because, although the emotional craziness happens in me, Isaac is the one who walks through these times with me and he needs strength and wisdom for that part. It seems like satan has been doing anything he can to steal my joy in these final weeks as we prepare to be married. Various battles in my mind that I have fought on and off throughout life all seem to be coming up at once and in overwhelming force. And I am left in a seemingly constant struggle to believe God's truth and to live that out in my life. It's just exhausting and frustrating to me that these days that should be filled with joy (and often do start out that way) are so quickly smothered in struggle. The truth is that God is bigger and He will prevail, of that I have no doubt, but I need the strength to keep fighting for the truth and to keep fighting for my joy.

So please pray for me, for Isaac, for us. Thanks, friends.


DAN said...

Perhaps the battles need to not be fought, but thought about, understood and dealt with. Constantly fighting a battle is exhausting to anyone.